To whom did we remove the hat? / Museum of Science/Anthropology and Natural History of the University of Coimbra
Local: Sala Maria Alice Gouveia | 19th-23rd April | More Information
Cada cabeça o seu chapéu (Each head a hat) / a photo exhibition by the photographer Carlos Jorge Monteiro (Cajó)
Local:Â Corredor de acesso ao CDI | April 19th- May 10th | More Information
Com e Sem… ABAS (with and without brims) / GEDEPA – Grupo Etnográfico de Defesa do Património e Ambiente da Região da Pampilhosa (Ethnographic Group for the Preservation of the Patrimony and Environment of Pampilhosa)
Local: CDI / Sala de Leitura | April 19th- May 10th | More Information
Support: Maria do Rosário Martins (FCTUC- MA-MHN) / Maria Arminda Miranda (FCTUC- MA-MHN)
José Machado Lopes / Paulino Mota Tavares
Production : Carla M. Dias / Elisa Grilo / Beatriz Neves / Carla Viegas / Lúcia Mariano / Vera do Vale / António Reis /António Fraga
Photos by: Pedro Celavisa
Conception and organization: Margarida Paiva Oliveira (Librarian)
Illustration/Design: Ana Baptista, Sarah Hillebrand